Wake up now
Keep your head high
Choose your path
The new world belongs to us
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edited on 03 Wed 09 :]
On 6:15 PM
Hellohs ,
Zhu has done 1 siaokiahhs gif ! :B
yeahhs it's below deht ' The world benlongs to us '
If anybody want me , to do 1 more gif for siaokiahhs ,
tellh me @ :D .or .or meat @ :]
kayys end of post ! :D aniway ,
ytd i bought entry 4 , shocked ? XLOL .
x: .kayys done of blog :D ,
baiiishh ,
go to audi <3
ahhas ,
The new world
to us
On 5:17 AM
Heyyyoshh :]
paisehhs uh ,
i have messed upp siaokiahhs previous blog so
i del it & remake deht same url :]
hope eur don't mind uhhs ,
anw , i will restore some of the other onfor
tmr or i'm free :]
my pledge Y_T
plspls brainsqueeze of it T,T
ohhkayys i shall end here :]
baiish .
zhuu .
The new world
to us
On 5:16 AM
Helloh , Zhuu posting fam blog :]
woahhs ,it's been long seens me & meat post ? x;
mm .. nth tuhh postt yeahhs ,
still gt 29 more daes!
t submit eur pledge yeahhs :]
either to to zhuu
or to meat :]
anibody could join yeahhs :] !
anw , where's MY FAM GATHERING?!
Herllo , be active! i want a fam gatherinq :(((
ohhkayys animore question ask either
meat or myself yeahh :]
kayys mb chnqing skin soon ,
or ltr bahhs , x; k here i goo :]
baiish :] REmeber pledge uhh! <3
The new world
to us
On 5:16 AM
HELLO :D! i think most of ur MYE IS OVER RITE!?!! :D shall we have a fam gathering to know more about each other :D? ANYWAY fer ur info :D summer_love has change her ign to -xIROCK :D abt the pledge competition ehhs D:! i know it's boring D:! but join nehhs D:! if not later master de brain goo BOOM D:! then mati cos think too much >.> so help her by thinking of a fam pledge bahhs. somemore help her think of a gd one still got prize lehhs ! o-o" ok lahhs i shall stop here le........... so BYEBYE :D!
The new world
to us
On 5:16 AM
Firstly i would like to thx sharlene the former guild ldr of Secret guild
she guided me on thing abt fam :D she told me to know more about members so yeahhs tag ur b'dae , name( if euu wan) and nickname that euu wanted to be called in audi.
Secondly it abt event . we currently decides what event shud we have when , where ? wad time? and we came out one. It's the Pledge competition Everyone in the fam can join :D euu can team up wif others members in the fam. jys there going to be prize like pet? face? dj set ? x2 exp ? x2 den ?
FYI the pledge is going to be our Fam Pledge so the Pledge must be related to our fam :D
3rdly fam outing? i think i don't have anytime so we won't have fam outing if i does have time then maybe there will be a fam outing :D ( 10% of chance having a outing)
AND FYI we have a new Member WAWAx33( OUR VIP)
2 New allies Echrythmus n HeiSociety
Remember to donate 10k a day so we nid abt 5~6 month to get 10mil to expand the fam :D please do ur part as a siaokiahhs member . we hope that we do not have to kick anybody for breaking the rules ,inactive and not donating any dens. unless euu have a valid reason for not donating and being inactive
More Info and event is coming up so yeahh remember to check the blog regularly
posted by ahhzhuu , edited by ahhmeatt
The new world
to us
This is me
Hello! This is -SiaoKiahhs- blog yeahhs
Do not ever try to spam our blog ,
dun dirty it , it is nt nice ,
i noe , but we dunnid eu to dirrty it :]
put links to your art or skins here